M.M.A Legacy

M.M.A Legacy , Quality label in France & abroad

M.M.A Legacy



M.M.A ( Mixed Martial Arts) MMA - A SPORT FOR ALL

MMA is first and foremost a sporting discipline designed to develop physical and mental potential. As such, it can be practised as a leisure activity through a variety of training courses run by trained and qualified instructors. This is one of the main missions of the FMMAF.

The framework for amateur fights differs from that of professionals (reinforced protection, forbidden techniques and shorter fighting time). The FMMAF develops these two aspects and ensures that the physical integrity of athletes is preserved in competitions under its responsibility.


Developing women's activities, increasing the number of female members and promoting parity between men and women are all part of the FMMAF's remit. 

Within the working groups, a reflection is being carried out on the feminization of the MMA discipline, and a real action plan should see the light of day in the coming months.


As part of the workshops initiated by the FMMAF to build MMA in a collaborative manner, a group of PE teachers was formed. The aim is to meet the needs of the national education system by proposing an educational MMA based on the age and aptitudes of the practitioner, and standardized for teachers. 


The FMMAF is committed to developing MMA as a lifelong activity that promotes physical and mental well-being. Our development plan aims to reduce inequalities and make MMA accessible to as many people as possible.

The technical progression proposed by FMMAF is based on LTAD (Long-Term Athlete Development). LTAD ensures that all participants have the opportunity to reach their potential, whatever their age, thanks to an adapted and progressive methodology. The FMMAF wishes to fully apply the LTAD philosophy "sport is for life" by transposing it to MMA through a healthy and sustainable practice. From childhood to adulthood, each stage of LTAD marks a phase in an individual's physical, psychological or cognitive development.


The acronym MMA stands for Mixed Martial Arts.

MMA is a three-dimensional combat sport that combines techniques from numerous martial arts and combat sports (judo, Brazilian jiu jitsu, boxing, karate) to form a singular discipline with its own specificities. A complete sport, MMA incorporates percussion techniques (professional foot, fist, knee and elbow), both standing and on the ground (ground and pound). We also find projection and sweeping techniques, as well as submissions (joint locks, blood chokes).


The two fighters face each other in a ring or enclosed space offering technical possibilities specific to the discipline (cage control). But above all, this space is a protective lock for the athletes: no eviction from the combat area is possible.


An MMA bout can be won by knockout or TKO (Technical KO), submission (choke, joint locks) or by decision (split or unanimous) as decided by the three judges present. Ties are also possible.

  The history of M.M.A https://www.fmmaf.fr/histoire-du-mma/

Striking / Boxing

Striking in MMA refers to standing foot-fist boxing in the practice of Mixed martial art. MMA comprises 3 distances: striking, wrestling and ground and pound.
The fist-foot striking practised in MMA is special compared to other percussion disciplines. Indeed, several factors make striking in MMA very specific. Firstly, wrestling and grappling are permitted in MMA. This means that when you kick out, your opponent has the right to grab your leg and take you to the ground.


The term "grappling" emphasizes the practice of gripping, i.e. seizing a partner, as opposed to "striking", which involves striking and percussion. Grappling techniques are very similar to those used in wrestling, with the main difference being that submission techniques are allowed on the ground.

Grappling techniques at different stages of the fight.

1/ The standing combat phase

The aim is generally to bring the opponent to the ground using projection techniques (commonly known as "Takedown") inspired by wrestling, judo, sambo, etc. It is also possible for one of the combatants to shorten this phase by deciding to sit down (thus avoiding a projection on the part of his opponent, who could land in an advantageous position).

2/ The ground combat phase

One fighter is seated or with his back to the ground (he is considered "below" and designated "guardeiro"), while the other fighter is standing, generally on his feet or knees (he is considered "above" and designated "passador").

During this phase, the fighter on the bottom will try to topple his opponent to get on top, or to obtain a strong control position, such as being on his opponent's back. The fighter on top will also try to obtain a strong control position by passing guard.

During the 2 phases described below, it is possible for each fighter to submit his opponent with a finishing technique . Obtaining positions with good control increases the probability of subduing your opponent.

3/ The end of the fight

- an opponent gives up following a submission technique
- one of the opponents loses consciousness
- the referee stops the fight because he considers that one of the contestants' health is in danger
- the time limit has elapsed (a points system is used to determine the winner).

The different styles

Several disciplines are part of the grappling family: no gi and luta livre are the 2 best known and represented, but there are also other forms of grappling such as catch wrestling, submission wrestling and regional wrestling.

Although these disciplines are very similar, they have different fighting styles, and even their own rules and techniques. No gi is Brazilian jiu-jitsu without a kimono (in wrestling gear: shorts, T-shirt). Luta livre is a separate discipline, descended from wrestling, with its own distinctive fighting style.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu


For the Ground section, the MMA Legacy is partnered by the BASE! school, directed by Jean Marc NOBLOT and led by Romain Saadi.

a Reference!

Brazilian jiu-jitsu (Portuguese: jiu-jitsu brasileiro; Japanese: ブラジリアン柔術, burajirian jūjutsu), is a martial art, combat sport and system of defense and offense derived from judo and ju-jitsu techniques, historically developed by the Gracie family in Brazil.

Brazilian jiu-jitsu promotes the idea that a person can defend or attack a heavier, stronger opponent using appropriate techniques, particularly by taking the fight to the ground, where weight differences are less pronounced, to apply chokehold, joint lock or muscle compression techniques.

Control and submission techniques: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in a nutshell...

The aim is to neutralize the opponent by using ground techniques to obtain dominant positions or submissions (joint locks, chokes, muscle compression), forcing the opponent to give up the fight (without having to throw a single punch).

Initially developed as a system of self-defense, JJB was revealed worldwide with the first free fights organized in the United States, establishing itself as an effective means of defeating a stronger opponent by taking the fight to the ground. Subsequently, JJB developed into a full-fledged sport, with competitions and federations all over the world.

The course of the fight:

In competition, JJB fights start off standing up, but most take place on the ground: either by being brought to the ground, or because one of the opponents has decided to sit down to set up a guard. The person underneath (called "guardeiro") may attempt to submit or reverse his opponent (thus passing to the position above). The person on top (called "passador") can also attempt to submit his opponent or pass his opponent's guard.

The fight only stops if one of the 2 opponents gives up (by tapping his opponent or the ground 3 times) or is no longer in fighting condition. If neither of the 2 above cases occurs at the end of the time limit, the person who has scored the most points is declared the winner.

A brief history of Brazilian jiu-jitsu

In the early 1900s, a student of Jigoro Kano, Mitsuyo MAEDA, was sent to Brazil to promote and teach Judo and Jiu-Jitsu. On his arrival in Brazil, he was welcomed and helped by a politician named Gastão GRACIE. In gratitude for the help he had received when settling in Brazil, Mitsuyo MAEDA taught Jiu-Jitsu to Gastão's 2 sons, Carlos and Hélio. Hélio, who was particularly weak, realized that ground fighting, by applying a few concepts, could greatly reduce the impact of a physical difference between 2 opponents. Together with his brother Carlos, he developed a system based on techniques executed on the ground, enabling him to be safe by positioning his legs between himself and his opponent.

Carlos and Hélio had several sons, all of whom trained in JJB. Several of them took on challenges to prove the effectiveness of JJB in various free-fighting organizations. Following the Gracie's victories at these events, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu exploded into a worldwide sport in its own right.

Cardio - Training

What is cardio-training?

Cardio training, also known as cardiovascular exercise, is a form of rhythmic physical activity that raises your heart rate into your target heart rate zone. It's in this zone that your body burns the most fat and calories. What differentiates cardio from other types of exercise is that it focuses on your body's ability to use oxygen during the workout. A person's cardio capacity can vary depending on several factors such as genetics, gender and age. However, it's important to stress that these factors shouldn't prevent you from improving your cardiovascular health. It is possible to develop your cardio fitness and increase your endurance, even if you have genetic predispositions or are of advanced age.

What are the benefits of cardio-training?

Once you realize what cardio training can do for you, both physically and mentally, you won't want to do without it! There can be many reasons to take up sport, and cardio-training answers many of them. Its benefits include :

it helps you burn fat and calories to lose weight;

improves cardiac performance;

it increases lung capacity;

it helps reduce the risk of heart attack, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes and certain forms of cancer;

it can help relieve anxiety and depression;

improves sleep quality;

reduces stress;

when cardiovascular exercise is accompanied by a load, it acts to strengthen muscles.

If your aim is to stay fit and healthy, cardio-training is an excellent choice, and can be done in any gym. The other advantage of cardio-training is that it can be practised at home using suitable equipment such as an elliptical trainer, exercise bike, etc.

In addition to keeping your heart and lungs in shape, cardiovascular training burns calories and is your main weight management tool. For example, walking, jogging and running burn around 100 calories for every kilometer you cover. So, by walking three kilometers to and from work, you'll eliminate the equivalent of half a kilo of body fat in a fortnight! What's more, you'll tone the muscles you use - usually your legs - and release endorphins as you exercise. Endorphins are the feel-good hormones that give you a sense of well-being after a sports session.

Self Defense

The Teen/Adult courses are fun but committed.

We don't distinguish between male and female.

The aim is to quickly learn the basics of defense, to increase your own physical performance, without forgetting the mental side. 

The martial art and the Japanese influence offer our discipline the fact that we can always do better and improve. 

In our club, performance and self-questioning have become an obsession! 

How to adapt our Martial Art to our desires and demand, without changing its DNA. 

It's this clever mix and an intelligent group that have made our club famous in France and abroad.

Even if we are passionate about martial exchanges and sporting confrontations

Good humor and kindness take precedence over efficiency

Rule number 1: no one has the right to hurt another person. 

and we're making sure of it!


Self-defense, or personal defense, is a practice open to everyone, from beginners to martial arts experts, regardless of gender. It's a discipline that prepares you for a possible attack, in which managing your distance and learning effective techniques are key elements.

The aim of self-defense is to teach participants how to react to any potential situation, with or without a weapon, so that in the event of aggression, the response is a spontaneous reflex. The spirit of Self-Defense is to be able to protect oneself, but always in a spirit of citizenship and under cover of the law. It's about being able to react to different angles of attack (from the front, from the side, from behind) as well as to all types of assault (pulled, pushed, strangled, encircled, seized...). Finally, one of the major elements of the discipline is learning self-confidence.

Depending on the martial art chosen, Self-Defense can take on different aspects. Firstly, because each teacher has his or her own personality and martial experience, but also because depending on the discipline, the work is not the same.

Yoseikan Aiki

Yoseikan Aiki,

discipline of Yoseikan budo (養正館武道, Yōseikan budō) is a martial art developed in the late 1960s and officially founded in 1975 by Hiroo Mochizuki, born in 1936 in Shizuoka (Japan) and son of Minoru Mochizuki to whom he owes most of his knowledge. This original method highlights the common logic between the various unarmed and armed combat techniques, a common thread known as "undulatory movement". The power of the whole body is harnessed and then transmitted to a limb or extremity in a wave-like motion. This optimizes the power and efficiency of any movement.


As the technical and pedagogical repertoire is constantly evolving and improving, the possibilities are virtually infinite.

 The only limits are the teacher's creativity and respect for the physical integrity of the participants.

 Whether beginner or creator of the discipline, all wear the same white and blue belt, representing the union of yin and yang and symbolizing the wave principle.

"the Logo

The circle symbolizes perfection, and man's eternal quest to attain it. The line interrupting the circle (formed by the tip of the mountain) is a reminder of the need for modesty, as perfection is not human.

Air, the sun (dark orange) symbolizes oxygen, light and cheerfulness.

The white mountain symbolizes the earth, purity (and honesty), clarity (in decisions and commitments) and solidarity.

Blue water symbolizes flexibility, calm, hope and adaptation.

The idea here is that without light, earth or water, there can be no life: the elements give us life, and to live we must respect nature. At the same time, the notion of mutual respect is the basis of life in society.

Aiki Arts

Aiki Arts in 3 Principles :

The most common is to apply a painful wrench to the partner's joints, leaving him or her with only one way to escape the pain: falling.
escape the pain: fall.

Less frequent and more difficult for a beginner, consists in creating and accentuating your partner's imbalance until they
until he falls. The imbalance can be obtained by interposing one's own body (judo-type hip movement) or by a simple pulling or pushing movement of the partner's body.
judo-style hip movement) or by a simple push or pull movement of an arm, shoulder, etc...

Reserved for advanced practitioners, this is a special form of the second. It consists in creating imbalance in your partner by throwing yourself to the ground and taking him or her over your head in a fall. This movement is called SUTEMI (sacrifice
of the body).

Aikibudo is a remarkably effective martial art. It must be practised without complacency, but also without brutality. The term BU does not mean "WAR", as is too often said, but "THE FORCE THAT ENABLES PEACE".




Coaching / Private lessons

Sports Coach 

If you need private lessons to work up a sweat, get back into shape, improve your level, prepare for a grade or a competition, overcome your fears, deepen your knowledge or just need to be out of sight,

The club offers tailor-made sessions with a qualified sports coach / mental trainer! at your home or in a private room. 


Mental Preparation

Mental Trainer

Mental preparation is "training which consists of developing mental and cognitive skills with the aim of optimizing the personal (or collective) performance of the athlete(s), while promoting the pleasure of practice and autonomy "1. The practice is based on scientific publications in the field of sports psychology, and respects the ethical charter of the Société Française de Psychologie du Sport.


It is the psychological part (psycho-affective side) of the preparation of a competitive athlete. It is as important as the development of physical qualities and technical or physical skills.

Among the activities and tools available to the mental coach are: hypnosis, autosuggestion techniques, mental imagery, relaxation techniques, NLP, emotional intelligence, martial arts, sophrology, cognitive and behavioral techniques, etc.

The latter techniques include performance routines that promote concentration, relaxation and fighting spirit, as well as the use of internal dialogue. It's worth noting that top-level athletes often unknowingly use mental preparation techniques - without the help of a mental coach - but some do so more frequently or more effectively.

The mental trainer's job will most often be to train the athlete to use these techniques more systematically in training and competition, so as to optimize their potential.


Our method

All our courses are designed around 4 AXES :

1. Cardio cross Training: To improve your physique

2. Grappling / Striking / Boxing: To develop Agility, Power and Mobility

3. Mixed Martial Arts, Discipline, Respect, Techniques, Projections, Chokes and Ground Control.

4. M.M.A. for leisure or competition, MMA or Mixed Martial Arts is a complete sport featuring percussion, grip techniques and cardio classes. The club's aim is not only to develop your physique and techniques, but also to improve your "Fight IQ" thanks to its expertise and technical analysis.

Like a game of chess, always one step ahead!

Essential in combat as in everyday life.

Once a month, we get together for a training course with all the clubs in the region and abroad too, to share and improve our discipline with the best experts in the region or in France.

The fact that we go into more depth on the fundamentals and technical details of our discipline in a 2-day weekend course makes our weekly courses much more accessible. Our aim is to share our passion with you.

We are part of the French federation & Our teachers are qualified!

Site design and referencing by Simplébo


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